
Space Marketing

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We are partnering with international space ventures to offer a one-stop service, from the manufacturing of satellites to rocket launches and ground stations!

②The transportation service to the Moon

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■Space funeral

We encapsulate the ashes and DNA of the deceased into a capsule and send it to the lunar surface via rocket. Every time you look at the Moon, you can remember your loved ones. It’s a new form of memorial.

■Wish to the MOON

We convert messages, photos, and art into data and encapsulate them into a capsule, which is then sent to the lunar surface via rocket. Every time you look at the Moon, you can renew your own sentiments. It’s a service that allows you to constantly reconnect with your personal thoughts and feelings.

③Photography service in Cupola

It’s possible to capture photographs within the observation module
“Cupola” on the ISS.
We can shoot spectacular commercials,
promotion videos, and movies with the Earth
as a backdrop.

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